it’s official: germany has the coolest products ever

admittedly, I’ve seen some incredible kitchen fixtures & faucets in my life, and I’ve been nearly wowed to death. today though, I discovered a product that knocked me to the ground.

the blanco “telescoping” faucets, that retract straight down into your counter.

oh, blanco. you’re incredible! the sleekest stainless sink with retractable, telescoping faucet and remote valve.

oh, blanco. you’re incredible! the sleekest stainless sink with retractable, telescoping faucet and remote valve.

a few days ago, I got a call from a woman looking for a “telescoping faucet,“ and to be honest, I thought she was pretty nuts. I’ve been in this business for a while and consider myself well versed in the market’s product offerings. regardless, I was pretty intrigued by the notion and after a lot of digging, found out that she wasn’t loony and such a product does exist. enter, blanco.

the blanco alaros shown with the eloscope-f-ii. but how amazing is this?

the blanco alaros shown with the eloscope-f-ii. but how amazing is this?

so here’s the deal: blanco has these faucets called the eloscope-f-ii and the periscope-sf-ii. they’re hardly new, introduced circa 2011ish, but they are brilliant and it’s the most innovative thing I’ve seen in regards to product function (not technologically speaking) in a long, long time. I am so obsessed and trying to figure out how to get my hands on one (as well as an apartment in boston that has a kitchen that’s not the size of a closet). the faucet retracts into the counter top and if installed into a blaco sink – specifically the alaros model – has a profile slim enough to be completely hidden by an incredibly sleek wood *or glass* cutting board.

the blanco periscope-sf-ii, a retractable faucet with a pull-out sprayer. anything else?

the blanco periscope-sf-ii, a retractable faucet with a pull-out sprayer. anything else?

maybe we (americans) are a little too caught up with the whole “voice activated” & “thing of the future” concepts, while germany and other european countries are years ahead of the game in regards to product functionality.

space saving, beautiful, and minimalist to say the least, I don’t know how this product isn’t touted all over the world. the WORST part of it all is that it’s not even being distributed in the us market. ugh.

the blanco alaros with decorative strainer (amazing) and glass cover (left) to slide over when done. SO. AMAZING.

the blanco alaros with decorative strainer (amazing) and glass cover (left) to slide over when done. SO. AMAZING.

how that woman found it, I wish I knew.

have any of you seen or heard of these “telescoping faucets” or any comparable designs?

x – mk